There are two sides of a Human life, black and white.
When nothing seems to be right besides having everything alright. Due
to depression caused by devil. Devil can’t create anything so he puts a
veil between your eyes and God’s mercy on you and thus all you can see
White: When nothing is right, still you have
hope that everything will be alright and you strive for it. Due to true
knowledge you have about your Creator, that He will love you and will
help you always. Devil can’t approach you due to the light you have,
that is KNOWLEDGE of your CREATOR. All you can see is WHITE.
I seek refuge in my Creator to never let me go back to the BLACK and let me live in the WHITE, always.
You can only see the White (light) if you have ever experienced the
Black (dark). It is a comparison. So learn from your Dark that there is a
Light also. Allah does not give a Believer, Dark, except He intends a
Light for His servant.